Flag Raising Ceremony Held at One Hamden Center
Flag Raising Ceremony Held at One Hamden Center

World War II Veteran Emilio “Gucci” Parese saluting the American flag
The Belfonti Companies held a flag-raising ceremony at One Hamden Center, located in Hamden, CT on Friday, May 25, 2012. The event was sponsored by MCR Property Management, Inc., the building manager for One Hamden Center.

The Connecticut National Honor Guard officiated at the ceremony, playing “Reveille” and the “National Anthem”. The Hamden Fire Department Honor Guard also took part in the ceremony, and World War II veteran Emilio “Gucci” Parese led the crowd in the “Pledge of Allegiance”. The event was well attended by over 100 people, including Hamden Mayor Scott Jackson and other town officials as well as local veterans and people who work in the office buildings and retail stores surrounding One Hamden Center.